Emvita 19 - Rubimed Remedy

Emvita 19 - Rubimed Remedy

Regular price $65.00
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Emotional issues addressed: You have trouble making decisions; this indecisiveness is rooted in fear of making a mistake or missing out on a better opportunity. You try to take everyone and everything into consideration before you take action, which can lead to doing nothing. You try to be pleasing, accommodating and avoid confrontation, with a ‘don’t rock the boat attitude’. You search for peace, harmony and balance within and may appear shy or withdrawn.


• Magnesia carbonica C800

• Zincum metallicum LM18

• Calcarea carbonica D21

• Pituitary posterium D21

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:

• alcohol


Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.

50 ml drops

DIN-HM 80003093