Emotional issues addressed: You are self sufficient. You may be perceived as proud, self-involved and hard to approach or shy and reserved. You have difficulty asking for help, and find solutions to your problems on your own. You may think you can do it better and more efficiently, so would rather do it yourself. This leads to being overwhelmed with the amount of work you have to do. Isolation may come with the self sufficiency, with deep feelings of being unloved and disliked.
• Belladonna C800
• Ignatia amara LM16
• Apis mellifica LM18
• Magnesia carbonica D21
• Phosphorus D21
• Pulsatilla vulgaris D21
• Pituitary posterium D21
Non-Medicinal Ingredients:
• alcohol
Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.
50 ml drops
DIN-HM 80004643