Emotional issues addressed: You appear optimist on the outside, but have a deep underlying feeling that things are not going to work out. You are skeptical and do not trust others easily. You want proof before you will believe, you question everything. Past disappointments have left you hurt and opening up emotionally or asking for help makes you feel vulnerable. You are more comfortable figuring things out on your own. You do not trust your inner voice or intuition.
• Conium maculatum C800
• Magnesia carbonica LM16
• Plumbum metallicum D21
• Lycopodium clavatum D21
• Sus scrofa (cerebellum) D21
• Apomorphium muriaticum LM18
Non-Medicinal Ingredients:
• alcohol
Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.
50 ml drops
DIN-HM 80030220